martes, 19 de febrero de 2013


Calima lake” the first thing that come to my mind with that words was: The place where people go to the electronic event Black and White Sensation.

What is that? The B&W is an electronic event inspired in two colors, the black and the white, wich are represented in musical lines that you hear there and the clothes that people use. It was born 12 years ago in Cali, and only performed in Calima lake, till four years ago, the creator expanded and projected it to an international level, turning it in a tour to be show in differents cities of the world.

Party, alcoholic drinks, and uncontrol. That is what I thought about it. I ignored even its location, what I  could do there, more than an electronic  party, and the activities that can be practiced in a lake. I can say that Calima lake was not even attractive to me, even to me! That I love to travel and know different places.

Till then, like the best plans, that are  prepared spur of the moment, my friends and university mates make the plan, Calima lake, three days, two nights and a lot of expectations to have a good time.

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